A small floating toolbar also appears near the top of the window with a Stop button.
#Setup python in visual studio code code
When the application is running its output is captured in the bottom panel of the Code window. With the configuration created you can now run the application with or without debugging, either from the Debug menu or by using the green "play" icon.
And if you plan on using the Code configuration often you can also add this file to source control so that it is preserved.
Since this is a standard JSON file, you can make changes or tweaks as you see necessary. The new run configuration is stored in a new file called. The Flask configuration will then prompt you for the application location, which must be given exactly as you set it in the FLASK_APP environment variable. Very conveniently Flask is one of the list options, so select that. Click this option and then you will be prompted to select from a list of project types. Because this is a new project, the configuration list is empty and only has an "Add Configuration" option. So click on the little bug icon on the left side, and then on the configuration list drop down next to the green "run" button. In Code, run configurations for a project are created in the debugger section of the user interface. If your virtualenv is somewhere else, click the Python interpreter section of the status bar and then you will be given the option to select your interpreter. In general I've seen code pick up virtual environments that are in the project folder directly.
The status bar shows the selected Python interpreter for the project. Note that the official Python plugin for Code needs to be installed beforehand. py extension, so if you don't see a Python interpreter displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Code window, just open a Python file to trigger the Python subsystem to initialize. I've found that sometimes Code does not detect a Python project until you open a file with the. To open a project for the first time in Code you just use the File|Open menu option and select the top level folder of the project.